martedì 4 febbraio 2020

A tourist’s opinion about Modica

Modica and Chocolate
In this article we would like to let you know something more about our delicious product…..Our chocolate.

Brief Notes about our Chocolate
Some sources report that the chocolate making process was introduced in Sicily during the Spanish domination, in the 16th century. This process has been handed down from generations to generations, chocolate used to be a  typical dessert of noble families who prepared it at home on important occasions.  In ancient times  chocolate was only produced nixed with vanilla and cinnamon,  Nowadays  you can choose among several tastes orange, wine, lemon, salt, pepper, ginger… etc.
Unlike the classic chocolate, the local one has a grainy consistency obtained by the particular “cold” processing that doesn’t involve the conching phase, that is the mixing for very long time of the components in special mixer called “conche”. The result is a biological product, made from very few and easy ingredients.
Every year the town of Modica organizes a chocolate festival where all types of Modica chocolate are presented. From 2005 to 2008, the city hosted the Eurochocolate, an important itinerant event held annually in Perugia and in other Italian locations. From 2009 to 2012 the municipality of Modica, in collaboration with “Fine Chocolate Organization”, promoted and organized an event called Chocobarocco, that in 2013 changed its name into ChocoModica. The chocomodica is a very important event for our city because it gives us the opportunity to appreciate and show our traditions, our baroque churches and our culture to the tourists that come and visit our city.
Let’s find out a tourist’s opinion about Modica. We asked a tourist a few questions about what he thought of Chocomodica:
Why did you come to Modica?
Well, I knew it was a picturesque town.  I’m a tourist and I’m visiting Sicily. I’m lucky I am here for the chocolate festival, I didn’t know  about this event before!
What did you like about chocomodica?
I really love chocolate so this is a paradise for me! It tastes different, it’s not like the other ones. Someone explained me that it's made with an old recipe. Very interesting! This is also a good opportunity to meet people.
Have you tasted the various types of local chocolate? If so, which ones did you like?
 Yes, I’ve tasted almost every kind of chocolate, but my favourite is the “pepper chocolate”, definitely!

Giuseppe Gurrieri - classe 3CA1
Christian Sortino - classe 3S1